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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Da-Douche-da-douche-douche-douche* Should be read in beat of the Thong Song

TAKE A BREAK FROM FINALS!!!!!! And read s'more.


I've been neglecting my blog and that makes not only me sad, but I'm sure you all as well.  So let's all have a little pick me up, shall we? 

Here's something obvious to add... DOUCHEBAGS.  Please notice that these PTTAAF additions do not start with "when people..."  Instead these are actual people or "people who do..."  so if you fall into these...chances are that I secretly hate you. 

Speaking of the word "douchebag," I remember someone in middle school said that they were the reason why the word became popular.  And he wasn't just saying popular within our little school, but the whole nation...what an idiot. 


21.  Parking Attendants/Maids 

Why do we pay others to be dickheads?  Every one of you who owns a car, by now should have received some kind of parking ticket or violation.   If not...it's just a matter of time.  I understand that some parking spaces need to be saved for certain people, i.e. the handicapped or employees, but the amount of these "reserved at all times" spaces is too excessive.  

How many handicapped spaces does a place really need?  It seems that every curb is designated to be a handicapped space.  I don't know about you, but I've only seen a few people on campus in wheelchairs and I highly doubt they drive themselves to school. 

22.  People who are on Facebook on computers that are only for academic use.

I will admit that I sometimes use the the computers that are specifically labeled "For research and academic use" to check my e-mail from time to time, but NEVER when someone is waiting.  Unless, of course I didn't notice the person waiting.  When I do see an anxious person waiting I gladly relinquish my seat and offer them my computer.  But, when sitting at an adjacent desk to the computers and see that the person is now having five simultaneous Facebook conversations...I become livid.  Wow, I guess that's not very important at all and you shouldn't of given me dirty looks for using the computer for two seconds to check my e-mail.

What's so great about Facebook anyway?  It's a way to keep in touch with friends and blah, blah, blah.  What the hell ever.  First off, if you can't communicate with "friends" physically or via phone, then you're probably not friends at all, or shouldn't be.  People should stop lying and just admit that Facebook's sole purpose is for people to creep on others' pages that we like or in some cases don't like at all.  Well, in my case I'm sure many of you get harassing messages from me to comment on my blog posts...so that makes me some what of a hypocrite.  The thing is that I could text all of my contacts to comment on my blog, but that is "too much" effort for some to accomplish.  Because one would have to read my text, get on the computer, go on the internet, find my site, read the post, and then comment.  Where as if I mass message people on facebook, I can just include my blogsite link within the message. And since Facebook requires internet access the person would already be online and could just click the link attached to the message and...voilĂ .  This is a bit of a rationalization...but I know that even this is too much work for some to accomplish.

Well, enough of my Facebook usage schpeel...back to the topic at hand.

I especially hate when I'm the one waiting for a computer and I actually do need to use it for school work...and 90% of the people on the computers are on Facebook, flipping through stupid photo albums of people with their tongues out flashing some kind of stupid hand gesture i.e. "hook 'em horns/rock" sign or the horrid "shocker."  I usually start off waiting patiently, but after five minutes or so I do the nonchalant unnecessary cough or sigh to get someone's attention.  At this point, most not if all of the people on the computers are aware of my impatience and urgency to use a computer...so what do they all do?  Of course, they just turn back to their screens and laugh at themselves with self appreciation of their so called "witty" status.  I always manage to bite my tongue in these situations, but I'm sure some day I'm going to go off.  I'm a ticking time bomb....just wait in see.

23.  Couples who sit next to each other in a booth.

I don't know about you guys, but when I go out with someone I like speaking to them face to face.  If you sit right next to a person, you have to do that awkward  90 degree head turn.  Let's weigh out our options:  (1) sit across a person and be comfortable or (2) sit beside someone with less room and a crick in your neck.... To me the answer seems obvious, but I'm not sure what you guys think.

Not only do these people violate each other's personal space, but they have to constantly be touching each other.  Either the girl's legs are in the guy's lap or their clammy hands are interlocked.  My gosh, we all get that you're together.  If you really wanted to emphasize this, I suggest getting a shirt that says, "I'm with him/her" and has an arrow pointing to the left or right.  Just so that everyone knows.  *Buyer beware*  If you do decide to invest in one of these shirts, I suggest that you pick one with an arrow direction of your liking, because you'll have to stand on the same side of your gf/bf all the time for your stupid shirt to make sense.

Another thing is that when people sit on the same side of one booth, they are staring at an empty seat the whole time.  Now it just looks like wasted space.  If I'm ever hosting and a couple doesn't use the booth appropriately, I'm going to seat another lame love duo across from them.  At least the space wouldn't be wasted.  Productivity prevails.

24.  People who leave their belongings in empty seats when people are standing

When riding on a public transportation vehicle, I believe it is acceptable to put a bag, books, etc in the seat next to you if there is no one wanting to take a seat there. But, if the bus is full of people put your shit in your damn lap.  Why is it so hard for people to act in an appropriate way?  I guess I'll never understand.  All of these things seems so trivial and obvious to me. I'll just leave it at this:  Move your shit.

25. People who are on their phones at inappropriate times


Let's just start a sub-list to what I consider unacceptable and inconsiderate

End your damn phone conversation when you're:
  • giving your order to a server
  • receiving your order 
  • next in line at a cashier
  • at work and it's your job to greet customers
  • out with people and are continuously blabbing on the phone in front of them
I'm going to stop here because I could go on forever and I'll leave some points for youse guys to add.

    But, I think the one thing that really pushes me over the edge is, when I am unfortunate enough to be the person in the receiving end of this rude gesture and the person on the phone gives me the universal one pointer finger to the face that indicates, "just one minute."  Oh, how I hate this.  For one, it instantly gives me the desire to break off your damn index finger and shove it down your esophagus causing an obstruction to the airway to your lungs.  And I hope to my homeboy, Jesus, that this leads to asphyxia and then to hypoxia.  Yeah, you better believe that my words are serious, because I don't think you'll want the random weird nasally guy with probable HINI infection to attempt the Heimlich Maneuver on you.  Well, hey it's your own choice.


    Again, my apologize for the somewhat blog sabbatical.  Then again, not one person added a comment or suggestion.  NOT ONE!  You know what?  I have one more...

    26.  People who read my blog posts and do not comment

    You know who you are...and I know that people visit my page without commenting because there is a nifty visitor counter on my right panel of my blog.  So, yeah I need documented love to my page, not just verbal.  I'm going to just throw this out there, but...  I self-consciously rate my friendships by comment frequency.  Just a little FYI for people out there.  So, to spell it out to you...the more you comment the more I'll probably like you.  And, if you don't comment at all....well, I probably hold a deep grudge buried within my soul against you.  So.... no biggie.

    One more thing....Where the hell did 2009 go?

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