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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dysphoria Week

Yay, we actually played a pretty decent game last night and....won. What a concept. Anyway, the other team wasn't horrible, but they played pretty rough. The girl I was guarding kept pushing off of me to get open and in the first half she somehow knocked me on my back and my head flew back and hit the floor of the court. It didn't feel so great at the time and last night I fell asleep with a massive migraine...and today I have the pleasure of having a new horn protruding from the back of my head...nice.

So, currently I'm letting Grace borrow my school ID on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that she can ride the bus for free. Pretty nice of me, huh? Anyway, I needed to check out a book from the library so I go up to the desk to check it out and of course the girls asks me, "Can I see your id?" Right when she asks me I think, "shit..." Well, I come up with a different idea and decide to buy the book and then I can return it tomorrow. No harm done there, right? Right... well today Mel had a review so I told her she didn't have to pick me up from school today because I'll just ride the bus and meet her at St. Eds. But, if you remember... I need my ID to ride the bus for free. *sigh* So, looks like I shot myself in the foot again. Oh, well it was just like a buck to ride, right? Even though I only invested one dollar to public transportation I feel like every time I ride the city bus I'm putting my well being on the line. There are a lot of bums that ride the bus and their stench is equivalent to an old used rag. So, I'm sitting in the bus minding my own business clutching my books to my chest while waiting for my stop and then I feel a burst of warm air hit the back of my neck. My eyes widen and I'm left speechless because I realize it's from the breath of some homeless dude sitting directly behind me...eww. Before I can jerk my head around and look at the guy with raised eyebrows and disbelief... he exhales largely on my neck again! I was so disgusted my shoulders impulsively shuddered and I moved to the front edge of my seat. I think I might have calmed down by humming to myself like a crazy person. When I got to my stop I ran off the bus in search for some sanitizer to relieve some of the ickiness I felt.


So, this week I'm going to compare to swallowing a pistol... I had 2 exams yesterday: history and a Japanese oral, a written Japanese exam today, economics tomorrow, and then a 7 page paper due Thursday at 2 PM. *sigh* Why does my life suck so bad right now?

In addition to this crapola of school work, I'm in the process of getting sick. I'm not sick yet, but getting there. Sometimes I wish I was already sick so I would be that much closer to be getting over being sick. But, I'm not even sick yet...So, that means I have to wait till I'm sick and then start to get better. Wow...that was a lot of "sick."

If you're reading right now you're probably wondering, "Andrea, if you're so freaking busy...why the hell are you writing in your blog?" Well, my answer is that this is my study break. So, get off my case.

The only upside to this busy week is that it's over on Thursday. Yay! Let's drink until we forget the week, shall we? Anyone who's free this weekend and wants to come over and chill just give me a ring...preferably diamond.

Well, best get back to tying my noose...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Questions That Are Left Unanswered

Nothing too exciting to report...So, I'm just going to make a list of random questions. Feel free to take a stab at some. Okay, here goes...

  • all bus drivers have huge asses*? *well all the ones I've seen @ UT
  • people always have to go inside before letting people out e.g. elevators, buses, doors, etc
  • jean sizes 18+ and 40+ waist have a "slim" fit?
  • stupid people have the most to say?
  • we have automatic flushers, sinks, soap dispensers, and paper towel dispensers, but not an automatic door?
  • people not know how to say "please" and "thank you" anymore?
  • Asians always promote peace in pictures?
  • people always sit at the end of rows instead of moving to the middle?
    Do they really want crotch or ass in their face that bad?
  • people always have group conversations in the middle of a high traffic walking areas? i.e. in the middle of hallways, sidewalks, etc
  • receptionists wear scrubs?
  • people with bad breath always talk so close to your face?
  • people sniff around when someone says, "eww..gross...what's that smell?"
  • you have to give an excuse to bums if you don't give them money?
  • adults still not understand the difference between "your" and "you're?"
  • blind people wear sunglasses, but deaf people don't wear ear muffs?
  • dyslexic crossed-eyed people can read straight?
  • anyone reads the directions on shampoo bottles?
  • elevators smell different to midgets?
One last thing...
  • Whose idea was it to put an "s" in the word "lisp?"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Free Car Wash

So, another way to make it rain instead of wearing new shoes is... to wash your car. This weekend I decided to wash my car since the weather was pretty nice, not too cold/hot. But, of course this morning it had to pour. I'm semi-pissed that it rained, but I know we needed some.

Well, this morning when I got ready for school the rain was coming down pretty hard, so I made sure to bring an umbrella. After scrounging around for a few minutes I found two umbrellas: one huge golf umbrella and a super tiny umbrella that would probably only cover my head. So, I brought the huge one today. I must naturally be an unlucky person, because every time I bring an umbrella it stops raining, and when it does rain I'm the only person on campus that doesn't have an umbrella. *sigh* You might ask, why don't I just keep an umbrella in my bag all of the time? Because the one semester I did that it pretty much never rained. So, I didn't want to be the reason for Austin's occasional drought.

I can only remember one time I had an umbrella when it was raining. It was a medium sized one, so maybe two people could fit under it. Well, every time I see a person who is just walking through the rain getting soaked, I feel bad. Plus, I personally think you look like a douche if you're walking with an umbrella next to a person who doesn't. So, the one time I did have an umbrella I decided to offer to share it with the girl walking next to me. I just walked next to her and put the umbrella over both of us, and of course she thanked me. We were both walking toward the same direction, but I had no idea what building she was going to. So, we just silently walked... It got kinda awkward, but luckily she broke the silence asked me if I was going to the engineering building. I told her, "No, I'm actually going to RLM (which is some sort of engineering building)." She must thought I said a different building, because she said, thanks again and then ran out from under the umbrella and started heading to the building she had class in. Little did I know at the time... RLM is right next to the engineering building...So, I continued to walk next to her in the rain, with only myself under the umbrella... That was the only and last time I offered to help someone in the rain...

Well, in exception to this recent rain, the weather has been improving. The cold is starting to fade away and warm temperatures are near. So, that means people are going to start wearing more shorts.

There are three kinds of shorts I'm most interested in.

1) The sorority short: the Nike tempo running shorts that come in a wide assortment of colors, but have the exact basic look. They're kinda poofy and have a little rounded slit on the sides. Those are pretty much the only shorts I see sorority girls wear.

2) The basketball short: Long and knee length shorts. These are mostly what guys wear no matter what sport they play. And, if girls wear them I automatically assume they play basketball. These are the kind I wear when I work out, but I wouldn't call myself a "baller."

3) The "word-butt" short: they are usually cotton shorts that have some sort of girly word that reads across someone's ass. E.g.: Hottie, Sexy, Princess. These are one of my least favorites to spot, because no matter how hard I try I always have to look and read what they say. The only reason for these shorts must be to attract one's eye to someone's ass.

So, instead of the typical boring words to catch someone's eye, I've devised my own ideas to make people stare at your ass.

Here is an example of a common one:

This one I think gives a straight forward approach:

Here I think would be more of a kind of invitation:

This one needs no words...

Whoever has this on their backside.... I'm sorry.

If you want even more attention to your rear you could always wear jeans with really small back pockets, or even better pull a chola J-Lo and go pocket-less if you're daring. Or you could walk around with an EXTREME wedgie all day. Either way I don't think these girls would like my ideas, they're too boring...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feb rew airy

So, did anyone actually watch the Super Bowl XLIII (43)? I only watched the end of the 4th quarter. It was probably the most exciting part of the game anyway. I was going for Arizona, because everyone else was going for the Steelers. Honestly, I really didn't care.

I went home to Kerrville this past weekend, for my mom's birthday. I never know what to get her, but we ended up getting her a Coach purse. Kerrville is pretty lame so there are no nice places to take her out to dinner, and everyone is sick of Chili's so we just went to Culver's. Well, we decided on Culver's because no one wanted to make a decision. It's just a whole lot of:
"What do you want?"
"I don't know. What do you feel like eating?"
"I don't care whatever you want."

So, this can go on forever, and it drives me crazy, but I have to admit that I'm super indecisive. Hey, at least I can admit this.

Last night was our first intramural game of the season.... Let's just say it was obvious that we've never played together as a team before hand. It was a lot of running around and taking stupid shots. Though, in the second half we started to get it together, but the score deficit proved too much. The final score was like 47-29, or some bullshit. It wasn't pretty. We were all convinced that we need to actually practice together. There was a high point of the game, though. Paul's appearance was entertaining as usual. He wore short golden yellow shorts with a fitted white t-shirt that read in pink letters, "Out of Your League." I actually gave him the shirt, but he honestly looked ridiculous, which I told him to his face. I recruited a girl for the team from my basketball class named, Shelly. And, I was criticizing Paul as usual and she thought that I had just met him. She must have thought I was the meanest person alive. Haha

So, I’ve been watching a lot of TV lately… my favorite. I’m usually not into game shows and crap, but this year is a different story. I watched the American Idol auditions and they were hilarious. Currently, I’m obsessively following the Bachelor…. I know I’m bad.

TV Shows I watch regularly this season:

American Idol

The Bachelor

Brothers & Sisters

Grey's Anatomy

Law & Order CI

Law & Order SVU

Saturday Night Live

Top Chef

and many others...

Anyone else watching the same crap on the tube?