For those of you who don't know, Mel and I are having a mini-vacation in the New York/Massachusetts area. And get this... my uber-strict Asian mother is only going to be there for the first few days, and is leaving us with a rent-a-car and cash to do as we please... I smell something fishy because she's never let us do anything in the past... Don't believe me?
Well, here's a small compilation of what my mother is a hardass about:
- No sleeping over at friends' houses - seems harmless eh? Yeah, well my mother doesn't trust anyone straight off... Actually, there is one exception... If you're Filipino then it's OK. Like there's a whole lot of credible FLIPs around.... I'm the opposite. I put Filipinos last in my trust list...
- No "hanging out" - I always tell her that I'm just "hanging out" and she hates this term... She always wants to know exactly what is happening. And since she's not so fresh off the boat, she understands what it means, but she still manages to change the phrase... She'll say, "I don't like this 'hanging around.' If you're not doing anything then you should just go home."*This should be read in my mother's Filipino accent, with all of the rolling of the "R's" and her loud voice
- Don't work when you're in school - This sounds good right? She doesn't want me to work while I'm taking classes so I can focus on studying and junk. So, my first semester or so she gave me a credit card so I didn't have to get a job. Awesome right? OK, here's the problem... She doesn't want me to work...but she doesn't want me to use the credit card she gave me... Confusing to you too? Yeah, my point exactly....
- No galavanting - OK so most of you know what kind of person I am. I'm pretty chill and I am not much of a "partier." I consider myself some what responsible. My mother on the other hand must watch a lot of Dateline specials on college life, because she thinks that's what's happening to me. If she hears anything about drinking, drugs, etc she automatically thinks I have some association with it. First off, if I do drink it's maybe one drink. Second, I've never had problems with alcohol or drugs in the past. Third, c'mon. It's me. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm pretty goody-goody. Honestly, I think no matter what age I am, my mom will treat me like a child. I can just see when I'm 50 and she'll call me up and still be harassing me about these things...
I went home this past weekend to make some extra cash for the trip. I some how ended up making around 600 bucks in tips. Unbelievable, eh? Yeah, I must have just been lucky. I'm going back this weekend too to see if I can do it again...doubt it though.
When I went to church last Sunday I noticed that there was a new priest. He was ok, but he had a bit of an accent and when he would ask everyone a question no one answered because no one understood. It was kinda entertaining. During these semi-long awkward pauses in the church you could probably hear my snickers... haha Don't judge me. At least I always contribute to the collection plate. So, anyway, you know how during the 'Our Father' everyone holds hands? Well, I was sitting between an older woman and Grace. I held Grace's hand and politely raised my other one for the woman to grab....but she never did! She just looked at my hand and raised both of her hands in front of herself like she was blowing a kiss from her chest. Really? I don't know her reasoning, but I'm sure my hands were cleaner than hers. I know for a fact because I've recently been using hand sanitizer like every 15 minutes. I'm not sure if she's going to use Swine flu as a scapegoat, but c'mon it's church. And, to think of it...if she is scared of contamination... Why did she drink out of the communal eucharist cup? Multiple people drink out of the same cup and she probably drank some dirty backwash. I should of pulled this on her:

School's almost over!! Hazaa! Only one more week for me and then two finals. "Hanging out" or "galavanting" anyone?
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You should revise this to "Asian/Hispanic". I totally understand what you mean (yes, i said 'totally')when you say your mom wouldn't let you sleep over with anyone non-asian. The only exception to that rule for me was when my parents miraculously let me sleep over at Aimee Schreiner's. Not to mention they would NEVER let me attend birthday party, therefore I would be the loser that didn't know about Cody's "awesome" back flip into the pool or Hutto throwing up after he ate too much pizza. Boo. Well, my last final is tomorrow at 7:30am! Yes AM...grr...BUT graduation is Friday! whoo hoo go me! Maybe I'll stop by Chili's and contribute to your goal of topping last week's tips. :)
what's this race stuff? i'm as white as they get and my mom STILL freaks the hell out when i'm lorraine's past midnight. i mean really? i wasn't even five min away.
did anyone else get the fifteen phonecalls a day freshmen year of college? just me? damn...
Your mom sounds like she loves you and wants nothing more than to cradle you in her arms and feed you from her teet. You should feel so blessed. What I would do to suckle from my mom's milkers.
ps, guess who's chaperoning ingram's prom this weekend? hahahaha
I couldn't stay over at anyone's house either until my senior year of high school. And that only happened once. It was the same for my older sister.
PS. I am not a lurker.
I like germs, especially ones from this new hamdemic. The snoutbreak in Austin has me very excited, especially for porky puns!
How about you update your Blog on rare occasion so I don't feel like a putz who hangs out at an abandoned page!
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