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Friday, January 23, 2009

The Plot agaist White Shoes...


Why is it when you wear new shoes nature and the whole world seems to be plotting against you?


Seems to me that it is more than a coincidence that every time I wear something new (doesn't have to be shoes) something always happens. For instance when I get a new watch I always manage to scratch the face on the first day or I'll spill something on my new shirt..blah blah blah. This probably doesn't always happen, but of course you notice it more if it is brand spanking new. But, in my experienc
e every time I wear new shoes I feel targeted. So, I got some new basketball shoes because my old ones weren't holding up very well. It took me a while to pick some out because basketball shoes tend to be just plain ugly in my opinion. I decided on some Adidas low tops. They are white with a little bit of silver trim. I tend to try to stay away from white shoes for the following reasons:

A: They get super dirty
B: Only nurses, cholos, and cholas wear them...typically

Anyway, I got them because I thought they looked pretty decent and they were light on the feet. I've been trying to wear them every time I play basketball in order to break them in. But, so far every time I wear them every single person I play with stomps on my feet. I understand that of course your feet will occasionally be stepped on, but my toes were smashed a considerable amount.

So, remember how I told you about my basketball class? Yeah... The first day of class we played 5 on 5 full court... Let me just remind you that I haven't played full court since high school....so going on like 4 years ago. Every single person in the class is hardcore, well at least the groups I played with. I was surprised how good they were. Anyway, so after class I was pretty winded and I realized that my toe was hurting a lot. Instead of checking it after class I just ignored it and limped to the rest of my classes. When I got home my whole foot felt swollen so I was kinda apprehensive to take off my sock to see the damage...**
**It may get a little gross from this point on...

Off came the sock and the tip of my second biggest toe was black. Yeah, it skipped blue and purple and went straight to black. The pain I was feeling was from the extra amount of pressure building up under my toenail from a considerable amount of blood. The only solution to subside the pain was to...release the pressure. Instead of spending 'bout fifty bucks and go to the doctor I decided to do it myself. I've never done it before, but I remember my dad talking about this kind of thing. First you need a few items: Alcohol, cotton balls, a candle, a match, and a safety pin. You clean the safety pin with alcohol and light the candle. You heat up the tip of the pin using the flame and then... you burn a hole in the middle of your toe nail. I took a shower to soften my nails and to cool my nerves a bit before performing this task. Not knowing if this would work or whether or not if it would hurt, I just did it. I heated up the safety pin and plunged it through my nail. Just after a few seconds blood gushed out from the tiny pin-hole. It scared/surprised me how fast the large amount of blood rushed out. Even though it was completely disgusting...my toe started to feel exponentially better. It turned from black --> deep purple (the group that wrote Smoke on the Water) --> a very pale purple. The toe is pretty much fine now, but I think my nail is going to fall off pretty soon...

The exception:

Of course there are exceptions, but I've only come into contact with a single major one. If you have something new and...cheap rather than expensive... nothing seems to happen to it at all. Most of the things I've only spent a few dollars on have lasted the longest and have gone through minimal wear and tear.


The weekend is over so that means more school... :"(
G'luck everyone with this up coming week.

***New Addition!!!
*These are the latest fortunes I have gotten from my fortune cookies. They are REAL.

My latest fortune/lucky numbers: Something usual will happen at work or school next week./ 3 - 21 - 32 - 35 - 48 - 49 * 'usual' is not a typo so that means my fortune is pretty lame...

Today's Picks:

TV: Brothers and Sisters 9/8c
Music: William Tell
Game: Rock Band 2
Book: The Joy Luck Club By Amy Tan
Current Guilty Pleasure:
Breyer's Waffle Cone Overload Ice Cream


Anonymous said...

Hello LBF!!! Next time you perform some kind of a surgery like that, you should wait for me so I can witness more surgeries. haha.

Reyna said...

I seriously got sooo queasy in your description of the self-surgery. I could feel MY toe turning dark purple..ugh. But yes, I agree, I have worn new/expensive items and they have coincidentally been damaged by a rather haphazardly placed dog crap, etc. Anyway, today it was super nasty and wet/ foggy, as they say Seattle weather is, and I wore my Coach shoes. Mind you, I am not overly fond of wearing designer logo billboards on your feet, but they were a Christmas present from my roommate so whatev. So I walk into this puddle of muddy water on campus, and yes, my shoes were soaking...and filthy. Not to mention they made a squishy sound all day...nice. To sum up: I feel your pain Andy...from head to toe..unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I wasn't aware that stabbing your black toe with a safety pin is something the whole world necessarily needs to know in graphic detail. For my 3am internet browsing purposes, it was quite entertaining. Consider investing in steel toed shoes...doubtful if they make those for basketball lol