This week = SUCKAGE
NCAA Men's Final Four/Championship --> sucked
All of my picks played like crap and were eliminated...lame
Intramural softball co-ed team --> is sucking
Aside from one dude that hit a grand slam, this girl from my softball team, and myself... the team that drafted me is beyond belief bad. *sigh*
My team that I hand picked for my basketball class --> will suck
Once again I pretty much didn't get to pick any guys over 6'... The team as a whole is moderately tall, but no specific "big guy." Today we played for kicks to get used to each other... ended up with a record of 0 - 3. Bleh I don't want to get used to losing...
School --> always sucks
So, last week was pretty brutal with 5 exams, but next week I have to finish writing a 10 page paper, 15 page paper, and prepare for a 20 -25 minute presentation. I seriously thought of skipping the rest of my classes for the semester and just show up for finals.
On a lighter note... It's Filipino Birthday month!!!
Grace: 4-18
Andrea: 4-19
Praul: 4-20
Let's get together and drink our worries away, shall we?
Well, that's it for now. I have to grab my cleats and head to softball class. Click --> THIS <--- All the cool kids are doing it.
So, this week I thought that my blog post was just going to be a filler because nothing exciting was happening. But... today my friends you're in luck.
Before my Japanese class I ran into Praul in the library downstairs. He was frantically cramming for an exam, for one of his computer science classes I think. Well, anyway I finished up my Japanese homework and wished him luck before I headed to class. Japanese was the sameo, just boring dialogues, activities and a pop quiz. After class, I called Paul to see how his exam went and got his voice mail. So, I just hung up and went back down to the library to do s'more work before my next class started. Right when I sat down Praul was calling me back. So, I answered and was whispering* because I didn't want to bother the people around me too much. *Keep in mind that the library level I was in was not a "quiet study" area, but I still try to be a little courteous to others near me Anyway, Praul was telling me about his exam and stuff and while I was sitting there, a girl from an adjacent table came up to me. This is how my semi-3-way-conversation went: *On the phone = blue / *in person = purple
Praul: "Yeah, I didn't get to finish my exam. I messed up on the first question and I was working on that one trying to fix it for like 20 minutes."
Me: "Oh, really? That sucks."
Some bitch: "Um, are you going to get off the phone soon?"
Paul: "Yeah, I'm going to talk to my professor about it."
Me: "What?"
Some bitch: "I said are you going to get off the phone? Because this is a library*." *she said this while putting her hands up in the air making it obvious that it was indeed a library
Paul: "Herro?"
Me: Hang on."
Me *while giving her an ugly 'I can't believe you just said that to me look': "Uh, yeah I know. But, you know what? This isn't even a 'quiet' area."
Some bitch: "Oh, really?"
Me: "Yeah, really."
Some bitch: "Well, I guess carrying on then."
Me: "Yeah, I was planning on it."
Paul: "Herro?"
Me: "OK, sorry. What were you saying?"
-----Then Paul finished telling me about his exam and how he wants to play ABBA SingStar soon and I hang up the phone. Our conversation maybe lasted 1 or 2 minutes I would say.
After that, I pulled out some papers to work on and was writing and then 'some bitch' slowly walks up to me and drops a small piece of paper on top of my work and sits back down. Here's what it was:
She looked at me and I just grabbed the paper read it and said to her, "Yeah, don't worry about it." And then I nonchalantly continued my work. She must have gotten so embarrassed because she went back to her table, was working on something for maybe 5 minutes and got up and left. Haha Priceless...
I swear, I think people who have the nerve to go up to someone who is obviously trying to be quiet to tell them to be quiet... just like the sound of their own voices. I don't know about youse guys, but it takes a lot for me to confront someone and ask them to do or not do something.
Exempli gratia:
Before my Japanese class I ran into Praul in the library downstairs. He was frantically cramming for an exam, for one of his computer science classes I think. Well, anyway I finished up my Japanese homework and wished him luck before I headed to class. Japanese was the sameo, just boring dialogues, activities and a pop quiz. After class, I called Paul to see how his exam went and got his voice mail. So, I just hung up and went back down to the library to do s'more work before my next class started. Right when I sat down Praul was calling me back. So, I answered and was whispering* because I didn't want to bother the people around me too much. *Keep in mind that the library level I was in was not a "quiet study" area, but I still try to be a little courteous to others near me Anyway, Praul was telling me about his exam and stuff and while I was sitting there, a girl from an adjacent table came up to me. This is how my semi-3-way-conversation went: *On the phone = blue / *in person = purple
Praul: "Yeah, I didn't get to finish my exam. I messed up on the first question and I was working on that one trying to fix it for like 20 minutes."
Me: "Oh, really? That sucks."
Some bitch: "Um, are you going to get off the phone soon?"
Paul: "Yeah, I'm going to talk to my professor about it."
Me: "What?"
Some bitch: "I said are you going to get off the phone? Because this is a library*." *she said this while putting her hands up in the air making it obvious that it was indeed a library
Paul: "Herro?"
Me: Hang on."
Me *while giving her an ugly 'I can't believe you just said that to me look': "Uh, yeah I know. But, you know what? This isn't even a 'quiet' area."
Some bitch: "Oh, really?"
Me: "Yeah, really."
Some bitch: "Well, I guess carrying on then."
Me: "Yeah, I was planning on it."
Paul: "Herro?"
Me: "OK, sorry. What were you saying?"
-----Then Paul finished telling me about his exam and how he wants to play ABBA SingStar soon and I hang up the phone. Our conversation maybe lasted 1 or 2 minutes I would say.
After that, I pulled out some papers to work on and was writing and then 'some bitch' slowly walks up to me and drops a small piece of paper on top of my work and sits back down. Here's what it was:
I swear, I think people who have the nerve to go up to someone who is obviously trying to be quiet to tell them to be quiet... just like the sound of their own voices. I don't know about youse guys, but it takes a lot for me to confront someone and ask them to do or not do something.
Exempli gratia:
- At the movies when someone repeatedly kicks the back of my seat... I just turn and look behind me trying to give that person a hint that the kicking is bothering me.
- If a server forgets something or if my order is wrong... I am disappointed, but most likely I won't complain.
- When a person in line in front of me, like at Wal-Mart or something and is being really slow or is paying with like 10,000 pennies... I just stand behind them with my arms crossed and exhale loudly to express how irritated I am.
- When a person is being excessively loud and inconsiderate... I wait and endure the noise for at least 30 minutes to an hour until I can't handle it anymore and then I politely ask them to maybe keep it down a little
- While someone is talking and a little saliva comes out and lands on my face.... They know and I know that they spit on me, but they don't say anything... My eyes probably widen a little and when they turn their head I quickly wipe it off my face.
Andrea again another eventful day! i dont think you go a week without something outragous happening to you! lol. well i hate when i am ACTUALLY trying to PAY ATTENTION in class and the DUMB BITCH behind me wants to talk about how her weekend was and what guy she did the dirty with and didnt get his name or number...WTF...first off WHORE second off i am soo ADHD that now i am no longer paying attention to my boring instructor and not listening to the slutty STD infested girl talking loudly so the whole class can hear about her weekend.
Other then that HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAYS!!!
And good luck on those papers, i know i hate writing them. I just finished writing my ethics paper, which i might add is the most boring class i have taken in my whole college career, and this stupid girl whom always stats her opinion is always wrong in what she says, but i hold my tounge and dont correct her. *which is something thats hard for me to do, i am a pretty blunt person. SHES DUMB UGH!!!!!!
But i am going to get back to doing my homework so i can go home tonight and relax and not think about school! have fun in softball!
What a queynte. I freaking hate people like that. People who are in the library talking to each other tend to talk louder than those people who are talking on the phone, whether they're whispering or not. Did this bitch come up to you early on during your conversation? That's even worse. I would understand if you were talking loudly for ten minutes or so. What an idiot. But hey, look at the bright side: at least she wasn't throwing a football with someone else and you got hit in the face with it. If that happened, she could use your same argument: "This isn't a no football throwing zone."
If this happened to me, she'd for sure go on this week's Fuck You Friday.
i really think it should be legal and morally acceptable to beat stupid people in public. please? pretty please?
Bahaha, who apologizes? Even if it was an unnecessary bitch fit.
You never cease to make me laugh harder than any human should laugh! She didn't want to get her face beat in after your phone call.
Tell me, who actually verbally confronts someone about something and then 2 minutes later writes a pathetic note saying sorry...? I mean don't get me wrong, you are right... but she should have just stuck with the confrontation and left it at that. Next time you see that girl (if ever) it is going to be so funny. I wish I could be there.
Try to make it where your poop falls from the sky and into our mouths. And no wonder why you've been ignoring my balls on the phone... you're busy chatting it up with strangers trying to get their digimons. What a n00b!
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