OK my little galleons let me give you the stitch on what I like to call COMMON KNOWLEDGE. But, it turns out that being courteous is a learned and acquired characteristic. I just always thought that being polite never hurt anyone…
Abandon or Trash?
One thing that always astonishes me is when eating out at a fast-food/self-serve restaurant, after people finish their meal... they freaking leave their leftovers/trash on the table. OK... WTF? Do people not know what that container labeled with the word, "TRASH" is for? What I don't understand is that the majority of people do it. I mean was there some kind of memo I missed that read to leave my trash behind for someone to clean? I understand when you're being served, that you're supposed to leave your plates, napkins, etc for the server to clean, but at a place like...McDonald's for example... You're supposed to clean up after yourself, right? I just don't see any logic in the concept of this sequence:- Line up and order your own food
- dispense your own beverage and refills
- retrieve your own condiments, utensils, napkins, etc
- eat your meal at your own pace
- if any additional items are needed, you get them yourself
- after you're all finished... just get up and leave your mess behind for someone else to clean up
- and then... not tip
Someone please tell me... Is my thinking incorrect or is everyone ill advised?
Don't Just Hold the PhoneAnother thing that I ALWAYS do is before opening a door I make sure no one is coming out or coming in behind me. If there is a person coming or going I follow these situations:
- I always hold open the door and let the person leaving, exit first
- Open the door and go through and make sure the door is still open for the person behind me
- Or an exception of course is if the person behind me is an elder or is somewhat physically challenged, I open the door and let them through first and then follow behind.
On a rare occasion where a door is opened for me... I am adamant to make sure that I thank the person for doing so. Surprisingly enough, I don't get much gracious feedback when I open doors for people. You would think I would be banking on the "good karma," but it turns out it's the exact opposite. Here's another classic I have in my repertoire:
~ This story is dedicated to my friend, Erin-Chan, who can "robot" out of any situation... ~
So, thinking of holding open doors... One instance that comes to mind is holding an elevator. OK I'll admit that elevators are kinda tricky. If I see someone coming I stick my hand between the doors and try to keep it open as long as I can before it looks like the doors are about to smash my fingers....most of the time the elevator sensors suck. Or, of course, if I have enough time to decipher the hieroglyphic buttons of what means open or close... I'll hold down the corresponding button.

I try my best to hold the elevator, but my efforts aren't always successful. So, aside from my lengthy "fluff" of an introduction.... A few years back, I was running toward a closing elevator with my hands full of textbooks, trying to beat the slow shutting doors... and I make eye-contact with the guy in the elevator and he immediately starts pressing a button repeatedly. As I'm somewhat sprinting to the elevator I'm thanking the guy for trying to hold the elevator. Miraculously, I make it and slip through the small crack to get inside. Catching my breath, I open my mouth to thank him again and then... I notice that he was pressing the CLOSE BUTTON the whole time!! I rearranged the books in my hand, scoffed, and then gave him a look that read, "Uh, huh... You didn't think I was going to make it did you?" I bet that was the longest elevator ride of two floors that guy has ever ridden on... *sigh* Tisk Tisk... some people... On a somewhat different elevator topic... Why is it that every time I'm waiting for the elevator and I've already pressed the button to call the elevator and it's obviously lit... a person comes up waits a second for the elevator beside me and then goes over and represses the lit button? Are people really making sure if I did it correctly? I mean c'mon... I may look like I don't speak English all that well, but I think I can figure out what's up and down...

A few quick one-liners...
There can never be too many "please(s)" and "thank you(s)" in this world.
- Is it really that much more effort to flush after business?
- Do guys not give up their seats for ladies anymore?
- Why are most people the rudest to "customer service" employees? i.e. servers, cashiers, greeters, etc...
- Do dropping trays or plates really deserve an ovation?
- When returning something... why does the person always ask for a reason?
There can never be too many "please(s)" and "thank you(s)" in this world.
i'm so glad i'm not the only one ranting about this crap. honestly? i believe all customer service people should be allowed to slap rude people who think they are better than us in the face. it would seriously make my day much more enjoyable then the occasional cursing fit in the floral cooler. yeah. i curse in the presence of flowers. think about that.
mini politeness battle.lol i do that all the time lol
I have a theory that it's the people that haven't worked customer service jobs that are the biggest 'tards about treating the worker like shit.
Did u have a bad day yesterday? First off I agree with people leaving their shit at fast food places, and trust me there are trash cans everywhere, like at rudys they have a sign the says "ur mother doesn't live here clean up after yourself" hahahaha but yeah its stupid, the amount of lazyness we have in this world is gross, that's why we are fat! Lol, want to eat the fast food then walk to our car with no extra picking up things. I am guess its to hard for them to do things like that and their house prob looks worse then that. Neways, again I also agree on the holding the door, cuz I am always holding doors for other with no thank yous or nothing. Or I get the ones that let themselves walk in KNOWING that I am right behind them and have no respect to hold the door open for me to grab, its dumb. Its like I should stop being so nice! Ugh. And I think everyone has had the elevator story, and I would have to say I have been the person to push the close button but not because someone is yelling hold the door open...if no one is there then I push it. Ugh now ur getting me all worked up ma'am!
I hope that ur day is better and that more people start respecting you back! :)
Bravo! You took the words right out of my mouth! I hate it when people leave their trash behind...In my eyes, it's just ignorant and one of these days I will have the balls to go after that person and hand them their tray and say, "hey, you forgot something", but until then I will just have to sit there and be angry. And elevators, oh goodness they suck! When I worked at Sid Peterson, I wanted to shoot people sometimes. I mean really, it's just common sense. I took the stairs a lot. The holding doors scenario is pretty tricky. I do follow the same "steps" as you do, but I personally see a common trend of males rather than females holding the doors for me. Which is pretty expected but in any case, I always try to be courteous of others.
Keep 'em coming!
They make me laugh.
this is funny stuff. put it on the stage. seriously. i'll be your paul shaffer.
i miss your (s)ass.
I don't want baby Jesus to judge me so I guess I have to leave a comment... My friend and I actually had a conversation about leaving a mess on a table at restaurants. Some people have no manners.
Even as we see our America decline as all other Great Powers has before US, social etiquette is a thing of the past. A Human doesn't need to work at Service to know manners.
This is only one of the reasons Americans are NO longer received well if other Countries, we are PIGS.
OH, Oh, the "M" word, twice...as an American Muslim and a Man, born in Britain, I can completely understand why our way is thoroughly un-welcomed in other Occupied lands.
Social etiquette lends a nice degree of Harmony to any Society.
Man has lose his way to place himself in another's shoes, sad to say....
WOW everything is TRUE not false
BAD TIPPERS! ranch askers! appaulse when someone breaks something This is incredible. THIS CHANGED MY LIFE!! haha
i bet that guy on the elevator takes the stairs from then on, ha ha ~ash~
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