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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Questions That Are Left Unanswered

Nothing too exciting to report...So, I'm just going to make a list of random questions. Feel free to take a stab at some. Okay, here goes...

  • all bus drivers have huge asses*? *well all the ones I've seen @ UT
  • people always have to go inside before letting people out e.g. elevators, buses, doors, etc
  • jean sizes 18+ and 40+ waist have a "slim" fit?
  • stupid people have the most to say?
  • we have automatic flushers, sinks, soap dispensers, and paper towel dispensers, but not an automatic door?
  • people not know how to say "please" and "thank you" anymore?
  • Asians always promote peace in pictures?
  • people always sit at the end of rows instead of moving to the middle?
    Do they really want crotch or ass in their face that bad?
  • people always have group conversations in the middle of a high traffic walking areas? i.e. in the middle of hallways, sidewalks, etc
  • receptionists wear scrubs?
  • people with bad breath always talk so close to your face?
  • people sniff around when someone says, "eww..gross...what's that smell?"
  • you have to give an excuse to bums if you don't give them money?
  • adults still not understand the difference between "your" and "you're?"
  • blind people wear sunglasses, but deaf people don't wear ear muffs?
  • dyslexic crossed-eyed people can read straight?
  • anyone reads the directions on shampoo bottles?
  • elevators smell different to midgets?
One last thing...
  • Whose idea was it to put an "s" in the word "lisp?"


Unknown said...

oout of ur league hahahaha margot

Anonymous said...

i ask myself these questions every morning. i can only answer the last thing - there is an s in lisp because it's freaking hilarious :)

JulieBianca said...

I always read the directions to the shampoo!

Anonymous said...

Stupid people talk the most to hopefully cover up their lack of intelligence. Doesn't really work. I always read the directions on the shampoo bottle...I think for fear of them changing ha ha ~ash~