OK, here's a little confession... I didn't pay to watch any of those movies. I know, I know, I'm horrible. But, there is a plus side. This could be termed as "stealing," but think of this: the movie theater is not losing on "physical supply," but rather on "profit opportunity." Does this make any sense? Well, let me put it in other terms. So, let's say hypothetically I'm at a place with a self-serve drinking fountain... let's just say um, Wendy's. So, I order my food and a "water." And instead of dispensing "water" in my obviously clear "water cup" I quickly fill up my cup with a different clear liquid, known as Sprite. So, in this case I got "soda" for free, but Wendy's is not only losing "profit" because I didn't buy a drink, but they are losing "supply" because I got soda instead of water. In the "movie hopping" case, the theater is not losing any "supply" because the actual movie would be playing whether or not I was watching it, but it does lose "profit" because I didn't buy a ticket for said movie... OK that's probably your fill of basic economics for today...
**Random Subject Change Warning aka apple pie...**
So if any of you read Meranie's Tolstoy of a blog, you already know that she stepped on my glasses leaving me "far blind." I went to class today squinting the whole time... thanks Mel... Anyway, at least now I get some new (eye) frames. I was thinking of getting the typical thick black artsy fartsy frames... but I'm not sure yet. Maybe something like this:

I know that many of you haven't been keeping up with March Madness like I have, but none the less I want to know who your picks are within the Final Four.

Personally, for the finals I'm going for all-time fav UConn and the underdog Villanova. What are youse guys thinking?
*Food for Thought* *pun definitely intended...
I was eating by myself the other day and I wasn't particularly looking for anything, but I did notice a small trend to how some people eat. Sitting, eating, and watching I saw multiple people take their first bite of their food and then instinctively nod their heads. OK um... what the hell is everyone "agreeing" to? I don't think you have to say, "yes" to your lunch. I even think I heard a few, "uh, huh(s)." Next time you're out to lunch/dinner... look around... it's weird.
Well, I'm off to fill my head with more shit... I'm finished with my gross week at 11am THIS THURSDAY. Join me for a drink or twelve...?
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I saw The Haunting in Connecticut...it didn't thrill me whatsoever. And that is so true about the "movie hopping" thing. So with that said, going to the movies should be free because they make so much damn money at the concession stands. Well I guess they aren't really stands but you know what I mean. And I'm totally digging the glasses. In the words (and voice) of Napoleon Dynamite, they are flippin' sweet! I couldn't pull 'em off though. Great blog, now get to studying your Japanese mumbo-jumbo. At least one of us understands it.
Well andrea that was quite a blog I must say! U should have been doing ur homework ma'am! Good luck on ur test tomorrow btw! But I am glad that u saw the movie the haunting cuz I wanted to actually see it but I guess now I won't spend my flippin 8 dollars on a wasted time... And as far as the economic shit I think its funny, and know a lot of people who do that, like I told u I have never done that but it wouldn't hurt to try! And I guess I am the one and only few that get a "water" cup and actually drink water! Hehe! Cuz I hate when people come and sit in my section and drinks 20 glasses of soda or tea before their meal even get taken! Ugh! I am going to let you get back to stuffing you brain!!!!! Nighty night!
1. I want to see Knowing just because Cage is a beast. 2. I don't know about you but my bracket got SCREWED when Wake lost. 3. I don't know what's funnier in that picture, those glasses or that guys expression.
Awe, I'm lovin' the lengthy comments youse guys. Keep it up!
You failed to mention that it is also, although partially, the movie theaters' fault for allowing people to movie hop. If it was really a concern to them that they were actually losing profits, then they'd take greater measures to fix the issue. And having sixteen-year-old kids check tickets in front of a velvet rope doesn't count as an effective measure to put a stop to movie hopping. Maybe I'm wrong and am just rationalizing because I think deep down, I think it's wrong. But it's so far deep down that I keep doing it. Haha.
Dude, why do you always blame me for your glasses? It wasn't just me. The fact that you put your glasses on the floor, underneath your blanket, nonetheless, just goes to show that you were asking for it to happen. You pretty much said, "Please, step on my glasses. I want you to."
You're right...It's my fault that you stepped on them..
Well, now I know not to watch The Haunting. suck balls. I was really hoping it would be a good one. Knowing looked good in previews.. but I guess not. I want to watch Duplicity though. I really like Julia Roberts. She's awesome.
Totally understand about movie hopping now... Few weeks ago, I just sneaked in because you said so (that exit door is always open).. that guy who checks the tickets should pay attention more (not really), ha.
So about your glasses. I don't want to comment about who's fault it was. I saw you two "fight" at madam douche earlier.. It will be a long talk... I think it's a good idea to buy those frames. I love it! It's sexy.
Okay.. people eat.. take their first bite and nod their heads? I think I do that too... hahaha. It's like "uhmmmm.. yummy.. it's good." It's like "Yeah... rock on.." It's delicious.. When you start eating and take your first bite and it doesn't taste good, I usually say, "WTF is this? blah (vomit)" or "Ay, susmaryosep!" or have that disgusted facial expression and say , "Eow." Sometimes you eat it anyway coz you don't have any other choice. :(
okay, in reference to the eating thing, which by the way is hilarious and true... you failed to mention where you were eating. Generally, especially if at school, in the cafeteria, students are expecting shitty food and if on occasion you get something you can stand, one nods in satisfaction. Least from what i have observed! Good read :) ~ash~
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